Monday, September 24, 2012

Annotated Biblographies

“Students need funds from Prop 30” by: James Fantuzo

Is about how schools are to deny students who are able to be helped for the 2013 spring semester due to the $750 million they had lost for the couple of years. If prop 30 doesn’t happen, schools will lose about $250 million for this coming year of 2013. Students won’t be able to be helped especially the ones who need more help with collage. Prop 30 will help schools to helping students who are not able to afford go to school so they can get a better education.

1 comment:

  1. You have some interesting facts here, but I'd like you to add your citation so that your reader can evaluate this source. Your Library 10 work should help you with this, but you can also see me before or after class and I can give you some tips on how to create the citation. If your annotation is going to be this brief, then you will need to add about three more sources to get full credit or you could add an evaluation of the credibility of this source (does the author seem like a reliable or trustworthy source for these facts?). Thanks!
